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A peer review on Streptomycin

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A peer review on Streptomycin

A peer review on Streptomycin

Author Name : Preeti Sangwan

It is the oldest aminoglycoside antibiotic obtained from streptomyces griseus, used extensively in the past but now practically restricted to treatment of tuberculosis. It is less potent than other aminoglycosides. The antimicrobial spectrum of streptomycin is relatively narrow, active primarily against gram negative bacilli, but potency is low. Sensitive organism are :- H. ducreyi, brucella, yersinia pestis, francisella tularensis, nocardia, calym. granulomatis, M. tuberculosis. Only few strains of E. coli, H. influenza, V. cholera, shigella, klebsiella, enterococci and some gram positive cocci are now inhibited, that too at higher concentrations. All other organisms including pseudomonas are unaffected. Streptomycin is a water-soluble aminoglycoside derived from Streptomyces griseus. It is marketed as the sulfate salt of Streptomycin. The chemical name of Streptomycin sulfate is D-Streptamine, O-2-deoxy-2-(methylamino)-α-L-glucopyranosyl-(1→2)-O-5-deoxy-3-C-formyl-α-L-lyxofuranosyl-(1→4)-N,N1-