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A Quick Review of Amlapitta on the Basis of n...

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A Quick Review of Amlapitta on the Basis of n...

A Quick Review of Amlapitta on the Basis of nidana Panchaka

Author Name : Dr. Suraj Kumar, Dr. (Smt.) Namrata Khobragade, Dr. (Smt.) Satrupa Nirmal


Amlapitta is a very common disease in the present days, that is because of stressful lifestyle and improper dietary habits of the person. Almost each and every person has to face this condition at least once in his/her life. Due to VirudhaAhara-Viharasevana (like – AtiSnigdha, Ruksha, Guru, Abhishyandi, Amla ahara, Pistannasevana, Vega Dharana, Divaswapnaatc.) VatadiDoshas(Vata, Kapha, Vata-kapha, Shlesma-pitta)get aggravated and leading to Mandagni. In this situation whatever is eaten by the ignormous person that gets Vidagdha and converted into Suktaka(Amla) and gets situated in Amashaya(stomach) and if the person does not have control over oneself, what-so-ever eat due to greed, the same gets severely vitiated due to Pitta and known as Amlapitta. In Ayurveda,NidanaPanchakais the best diagnostic procedure to know the basic pathophysiology of any disease. It helps in better understanding of the prognosis of disease.

Key Words:-Amlapitta, NidanaPanchaka, Pathya-Apathya, Upadrava of Amlapitta.