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A Review Article on Gandhak Druti

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A Review Article on Gandhak Druti

A Review Article on Gandhak Druti

Author Name : Dr. Monika Singh, Prof. Avdhesh Bhatt, Dr. Vijaya, Dr. Leela


Druti kalpana is one important formulation in Rasashastra. Druti of ratna and dhatus are mentinoed in various Rasa shastra texts but the preparation, procedure is very difficult.

The Gandhak Druti method is based on the principle of sublimation, where the gandhak undergoes a physical transformation from a solid to a gas and then to a liquid form, resulting in its purification. The herbs and oils used in the process are carefully selected based on their medicinal properties and their ability to enhance the therapeutic potential of gandhak. Gandhak Druti is considered to be an important step in the preparation of many Ayurvedic medicines, including those used for skin disorders, respiratory problems, and digestive issues. It is believed to have anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial, and anti-fungal properties, and is also used in the treatment of various skin conditions such as acne and psoriasis.

Keywords: Gandhak, Druti, Oils, Kalpana, Sublimation Rasrantna samucchya