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A Review Article on Physiological Study and A...

A Review Article on Physiological Study and Assessment of Hitahar-Vihar on Chakshurindriya

Author Name : Dr. Shilpa Kachhawaha, Dr. Rajesh Kumar Sharma, Dr. Dinesh Chandra Sharma


Beauty of this mesmerizing world can be perceived with one of the god’s greatest blessings gifted to us- CHAKSHU. In Ayurveda it is explained as the most important Indriya. The two eye balls are adhishthan(seats) of Chakshurindriya. Vision is the key for communal and intellectual growth of an individual. Life can’t be enjoyed without vision. In the present era of globalization, where day by day humans are adding colorful feathers in their cap and achieving new heights but along with this, a bitter truth is that they are going away from the nature. Because of the faulty way of living, food habits, environmental pollution, occupational stress, disturb sleeping routines etc. all these factors are responsible for the deterioration of health affecting vision also. Due to this, social and economic growth is affected. Besides this educational and employment opportunities are also hurdled. Ancient texts of Ayurveda are the solid proof for promoting high end measures as well as for the maintenance of eye health. Chakshushya (eye sight promoter) Hitahara and and some daily practices vihara including Yogic Kriya have remarkable and miraculous impact on eyesight. Thus, by keeping this concept in mind, to assess the importance of Hitahar-Vihar (non- pharmacological approach) in relation to holistic care of eye, a list of wholesome diet and certain daily regimen that are beneficial for eyesight as stated in various Ayurvedic classical literature were chosen for their assessment on Chakshurindriya. Subjective parameter had shown statistically significant results but no change was observed in objective parameter. Although this limited research did not cover all possible perspectives, but still initial findings seem encouraging. To make the convincing conclusions, more research on a large sample and for longer duration is required.

Keyword: Ayurveda, Hitahar (wholesome diet), Akshi sechana, Padabhyanga, Trataka yoga kriya, Palming, Mantra chanting.