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A Review on Microgrid: Architecture, Model an...

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A Review on Microgrid: Architecture, Model an...

A Review on Microgrid: Architecture, Model and Existing Ventures in India

Author Name : Mehtab Fatima, Alpna Srivastava

ABSTRACT: In the latest design set up for existing power system as to make the system more efficient and reliable we have started using the concept of combining individual distributed generators which eventually include non-conventional and conventional sources of energy to produce the electricity. A better way to realize the emerging potential of distributed generation is to take a system approach which views generation and associated loads as a subsystem or a “Microgrid”. This concept has been brought up in the existing systems because this helps in providing the system a back-up during occurrence of any disturbance on the system. It includes a simpler configuration but with proper engineering steps which makes it the latest architectural design for a new power system. In India, there are many upcoming ventures some are in active state whereas some are in the under-developing stages. In this paper some of the existing ventures of microgrid are discussed.