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A Socio Economic Study of Puri District, Oris...

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A Socio Economic Study of Puri District, Oris...

A Socio Economic Study of Puri District, Orissa, India (A Case Study of Bali Nolia Sahi Ward No 11)

Author Name : Zubber Ahamed

Puri is a coastal district of the Odisha state on India. This district comprises 1722 revenue villages. It has one sub division ,11 tahasils and 11 blocks . the district has been named after its headquarter town of puri. According to Cunningham, the ancient name of this town was Charittra mentioned by the Chinese pilgrim Hiuen Tsang as Che-li-ta-lo. But the restoration of this word che-li-ta-lo as charittra. The important of the town as a seat of Vaisnavism increased when Chodaganga Deva constructed the temple of Purusottama Jagannath and installed the image of the deities. Thereafter, it became famous as the abode of Purusottama and was popularly