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ISSN: 2455-6211

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A Study of Applications of Dams

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A Study of Applications of Dams

A Study of Applications of Dams

Author Name : Dr. Meenakshi

ABSTRACT Dam is a barrier across flowing water that obstructs, directs or retards the flow, often creating a reservoir, lake or impoundment. Exploitation of rivers with installation of dams on them is very old system experienced worldwide and has been multiplied manifold up to the present. Damming activities started mainly for the purpose of irrigation but later it has become multipurpose projects with facilities of flood control, fishing activities, hydroelectric power generation, domestic and industrial supply of water, tourism etc. Though large dams have multiple beneficiary effects but could not avoid its negative aspects inherent to dam building. Perspectives of dam have been changed both in spatial and temporal context with imposition of technocentrism on nature. The paper is an endeavor to examine the historical perspectives of dam globally and to assess an overview of dam in India from ancient to the recent time.