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ISSN: 2455-6211

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A Study of Indian Sensibility in Nissim Ezek...

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A Study of Indian Sensibility in Nissim Ezek...

A Study of Indian Sensibility in Nissim Ezekiel’s Poetry

Author Name : Dr. Ritu Yadav

ABSTRACT: The purpose of this paper is to study Nissim Ezekiel’s poetry in an Indian context. The question that arises is how to approach Ezekiel’s poetry, particularly when he has shown a double impulse of being a native and an alien at the same time. As a poet of religion, Ezekiel shows the influence of both Hindu scriptures and Judaism and has a very human religion, personal, confessional, practical with an emphasis on faith and truth. However, the final attraction of Ezekiel is his unequivocal preferences for being the good native by staying in Bombay, the place of his birth despite international wanderings and being a poet of and from India.