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A Study of Social Intelligence on under Gradu...

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A Study of Social Intelligence on under Gradu...

A Study of Social Intelligence on under Graduate Students in Relation to their Gender

Author Name : Sriparna Mallick, Prof. Kartick Chandra Pramanik



ABSTRACT In today’s world, social intelligence plays an important role in professional and personal life. It focuses on social relationship, communication and empathy. It is the ability to connect with others, understand their emotions and respond accordingly in different social situation. The purpose of the present study is to assess the level of social intelligence of male and female college students to the respect of different dimension of social intelligence. For conducting the study Descriptive survey method was used. The present study consists of 400 students studying in General Degree College in Hooghly and Bankura districts of West Bengal by multistage simple random sampling technique. For the data collection used the social intelligence scale was constructed and standardized by Dr. N.K. Chadda and Usha Ganesan (2005) and researcher modified and standardized this scale for this study. Proper statistical technique was applied in order to obtain the results. Finding of The Present study revealed that there has no significant difference between male and female undergraduate college students respective of their social intelligence.