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A Study of Tourism Industry in India

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A Study of Tourism Industry in India

A Study of Tourism Industry in India

Author Name : Dr. Anuradha Verma

ABSTRACT Tourism is commonly referred to as “the activity of visiting places of pleasure‟. The basic concept of tourism is based on the movement of people outside their own place of residence i.e. home area. Therefore, tourism can be considered as the movement of people within a city, state, country or across international boundaries. Conceptually ,tourism is defined as “ the sum of the phenomenon and relationships arising from the travel and stay of non residents in so far as they do not lead to permanent residence and are not connected with any earning activity‟. In this paper I highlight the India‟s tourism statistics, Domestic tourist visit and FEE of tourism industry from 2014-2017.
Keywords: tourism, forms, domestic tourist visit, India tourism statistics.