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A Study of Tribal Women Literacy -A Case Stud...

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A Study of Tribal Women Literacy -A Case Stud...

A Study of Tribal Women Literacy -A Case Study

Author Name : Dr. Venkata Prasad Rao Sriram, Dr. Y. Rajeswari


It is necessary for the education process that it should include in itself the totality of education, not only to a particular class, but to what extent it is accessible to every section of the society and what should be considered in this research paper on this topic. It has been presented. What is the education system of women of tribal society, who have been victims of dual policy? Through the present research paper, it will be tried to analyse what is the status of education of women of tribal society. The literacy rate among women in the Tribes is much lower than that of the general population. Unfortunately, indigenous women's literacy rates are not as high as they should be. Compared to tribal women, tribal men have a much greater rate of literacy. The social position of Andhra Pradesh's indigenous women, who have traditionally had lower representation in higher education, has to be elevated urgently. Having a college degree can lead to several opportunities for social mobility. Learning is a talent that can ensure everyone's prosperity. The chance to pursue their education boosts indigenous women's social participation. Additionally, it gives you access to a huge number of others. People join a more equitable expansion as their educational opportunities improve.

Keywords: Tribal women Literacy rate, Survey, field work, comparative study, Andhra Pradesh.