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A Study on Analysis for Financial Performance...

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A Study on Analysis for Financial Performance...

A Study on Analysis for Financial Performance Analysis towards Nissan Car at Salem

Author Name : Ranjith Kumar M


Financial analysis referred to financial statement analysis or accounting analysis refers to an assessment of the viability, stability and profitability of a business, sub-business or project. The main idea behind this study is to analyze the financial operating position of the company. This research is done with help of secondary data which is gathered from the annual report of the company. The financial performance can be measured by using various financial tools such as profitability ratio, solvency ratio, comparative statement, etc. Based on the analysis, findings have been arrived that the company has got enough funds to meet its debts & liabilities, the income statement of the company shows sales of the company increased every year at good rate and profit also increased every year.

Keywords: Profitability ratio, Shareholders funds, Liabilities