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ISSN: 2455-6211

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A Study on Awareness, Perception and Satisfac...

A Study on Awareness, Perception and Satisfaction towards Health Insurance Policies in Erode District

Author Name : Dr. K. Satya Bhama

ABSTRACT Health insurance policies have been the source of financial support for the low and middle income people for meeting unexpected medical expenses. The customers are able to available a wide range of benefits from the health insurance policies. They can get quality treatment without having out-of-pocket expenses. The previous studies have focused a little on the awareness, perception and satisfaction of customers towards health insurance policies. The main objectives of this study are to assess the level of awareness of customers; to examine the perception of customers and to investigate the factors influencing satisfaction of customers towards health insurance policies. In this regard, the researcher has collected primary data from 250 customers of health insurance policies in Erode District using a questionnaire. The statistical tools used for analysis included percentage analysis, chi square test, t test, ANOVA and exploratory factor analysis. The researcher has found that the awareness of customers has been influenced by gender, educational status, medical status, occupational status and monthly income. The perception has been influenced by gender, occupational status and monthly income. The major factors influencing satisfaction of customers towards health insurance policies are benefits and coverage factors like benefits available, illness covered, perceived quality and public trust.