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A Study on Demonetisation in India and Its Ef...

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A Study on Demonetisation in India and Its Ef...

A Study on Demonetisation in India and Its Effectuations

Author Name : Ms. G. Yohavarshini, Ms. B. Madhumamtha, Mrs. C. Priya

ABSTRACT The research paper spotlighted a study on the effectuations of Demonetisation in India. The term ‗demonetisation‘ ruled the nation after demonetizing the high value currency. It attempted to showcase the demonetisations done in various periods to eradicate ‗black money, corruption, fake currency, terrorism‘ etc. It also listed out the features of the new currencies, merits and demerits of demonetisations. This article was an attempt to make a clear vision about it and its importance. It analyzed the long term and short term effectuations of demonetization. It also suggested tips to common people to manage the toughest period of demonetisation. This article would give a clear picture of the demonetisation and the stepts taken by our Government to reduce the trauma of common people.