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A Study on Effectiveness of Smart Rehabilitat...

A Study on Effectiveness of Smart Rehabilitation (Wii Habilitation) on Dynamic Balance, Gait, and Quality of Life in Stroke Subjects: A Randomized Clinical Trial

Author Name : Dr. G Srinivasan PT, Dr. N N Bobby PT

ABSTRACT Background and Objectives: Stroke survivors are more prone for sensorimotor impairments such as dynamic balance and gait disabilities resulting in physical disabilities, striking a major socioeconomic burden on the family and society, if the goals of the rehabilitation are inappropriate. Aim:- The present study aimed to find the effectiveness of smart rehabilitation (wii habilitation) on dynamic balance, gait, and quality of life in sub acute and chronic stroke patients. Materials and Methods: The present study was a randomized clinical trial that included 10 individuals, with sub acute and chronic stroke in the age group of 40–65 years. All the patients having Brunnstrom voluntary control grades 3–5.