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A Study on Strategic Location of Siliguri Cor...

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A Study on Strategic Location of Siliguri Cor...

A Study on Strategic Location of Siliguri Corridor and Its Issues

Author Name : Fidel Rahmati, Dr. Mohd. Akhter Ali, M. Kamraju

ABSTRACT The Siliguri Corridor is a strategic region in the foot hills of Himalayan region, connecting India with Northeastern States. It is also known as the gateway of northeast India (NE). It connect India through land with three neighboring countries Nepal, Bhutan and Bangladesh. The corridor has a significant role in the progress nature of India. That is why we are concern with the Study on Strategic Location of Siliguri Corridor and Its Issues. We used mostly secondary data such as books, journals, government reports, newspapers, unpublished articles and libraries. The main outcome of the paper will be useful for political activist, and young researchers who are focusing on international relations and conflicts resolution.