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ISSN: 2455-6211

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A Study on the Role of Environmental Educatio...

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A Study on the Role of Environmental Educatio...

A Study on the Role of Environmental Education towards Sustainable Development in India

Author Name : Aranithi.M.A


The relationship between environmental education and sustainable development in India is explained in this study. It gives an overview of various initiatives and steps taken regarding the role and implementation of environmental education towards sustainable development at international level in general and national level in particular. A case study is explained to mention the importance of environmental education in India and a comparative study is made between national and international level for easy understanding of the initiatives taken by the government and the NGOs. An empirical study is made with the possible respondents of 1412 to understand their view towards environmental education and it’s implementation in India. The results were brought out based on the views of the participants in the empirical study. The findings were India requires a far more knowledge on environmental education for better survival environment as a sustainable development. And strict implementation of international regulations regarding environmental education must be followed from the primary level of education to the students pursuing degrees.

Keywords: Economic Progress, Environmental Education, International regulations, Social Development and Sustainable Development.