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“A Study to Assess the Knowledge and Attitu...

“A Study to Assess the Knowledge and Attitude of Nursing Profession and the Preference for Nursing as a Career among High School Students in a Selected Government Higher Secondary School” At Kancheepuram Dt.

Author Name : M. Nisha, Mrs. K. Kanmani, Dr. C. Kanniammal



ABSTRACT Nursing is a one of the oldest and noblest profession .The responsibility and duties of the nurses are diverse and the work of nurse depends on the qualification skills and situation. Nursing is the profession that combines physical science, social science, nursing theory and technology in the care of others many years ago nursing was seemed to have numerous career advantages. These include there is the demand for nurses, many job opportunity, many choice in both the terms of the specialty area. “A study to assess the knowledge and attitude of nursing profession and the preference for nursing as a career among high school students in a selected government higher secondary schools” at Kancheepuram Dt.