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ISSN: 2455-6211

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A Study to Assess the Risk Factors of Knee Pa...

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A Study to Assess the Risk Factors of Knee Pa...

A Study to Assess the Risk Factors of Knee Pain and to Evaluate the Effectiveness of Isometric Exercises on Knee Pain and Functional Mobility among Elderly With Knee Pain in Selected Old Age Homes at District Chhatarpur, Madhya Pradesh.

Author Name : Anugrah Robert



ABSTRACT The research investigates knee pain, a significant issue affecting the elderly globally, often leading to reduced quality of life and disability. Isometric exercise emerges as a cost-effective treatment for alleviating knee pain and enhancing functional mobility. The study aims to identify risk factors for knee pain and evaluate the efficacy of isometric exercises in alleviating knee pain and improving mobility among elderly individuals residing in selected old age homes in Chhatarpur, Madhya Pradesh. Employing a quantitative experimental approach, the study adopts a quasi-experimental non-equivalent control group pretest-post-test design. Participants aged 50-70 with knee pain are selected from old age homes. Isometric exercises are administered to the experimental group over 21 days, while the control group receives no intervention. Data is collected through structured interviews and standardized tools for assessing knee pain and mobility. Findings reveal that isometric exercise significantly reduces knee pain and enhances functional mobility among the elderly.