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A Study Use of Waste Plastic Materials in Fle...

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A Study Use of Waste Plastic Materials in Fle...

A Study Use of Waste Plastic Materials in Flexible Pavements

Author Name : Shaik Mohammad Asif Kareem, B. Vijay Sekhar

ABSTRACT The waste plastic and its disposal is a major threat to the environment, which results in pollution and global warming. The utilization of plastic waste in bituminous mixes enhances its properties and also its strength. In addition it will also be a solution to plastic disposal & various defects in pavement viz., pot holes, corrugation, ruts, etc. Plastic was found to be an effective binder for bitumen mixes used in flexible pavements. This efficient method helps the pavements to resist higher temperature by minimizing the formation of cracks and reducing rainwater infiltration which otherwise leads to the development of potholes. These pavements have shown improved crushing and abrasion values and reduced water seepage. Plastic roads would be a boon for India’s hot and extremely humid climate, where temperatures frequently cross 50°C and torrential rains create havoc, leaving most of the roads with big potholes In conventional road making process bitumen is used as binder. Such bitumen can be modified with waste plastic pieces and bitumen mix is made, which can be used as a top layer coat of flexible pavement. This waste plastic modified bitumen mix show better binding property, stability, density and more resistant to water.