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ISSN: 2455-6211

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A View of Physical Education and Sports in Mo...

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A View of Physical Education and Sports in Mo...

A View of Physical Education and Sports in Modern Society

Author Name : Neeraj Chawla

ABSTRACT  In today’s world physical education and sports is essential. Man can live healthy and better life only by doing physical exercise. Today new and new diseases are emerging and have made big harm to man’s body. Man’s life has become dependent on medicines. For example digest medicine, medicine for excretion, medicine for sleep, etc. Because of these medicines man has become like a walking robot. In such condition is it fair to waste this body like this? How sad it is that man has time to do the service of technical gadgets like car, freeze, television but he does not have time to take care of his valuable body. Through physical education man can live his day to day life healthily. Physical education and sports plays important role in man’s development and proves helpful for better physical, mental, social, emotional and spiritual life.