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ISSN: 2455-6211

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Affordable Housing: Policies, Design Strategi...

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Affordable Housing: Policies, Design Strategi...

Affordable Housing: Policies, Design Strategies, and Financing Models for Equitable Access to Safe and Decent Housing

Author Name : Ar. Pranali Yesaji Redkar


This research paper explores the pressing issue of affordable housing and aims to provide insights into policies, design strategies, and financing models that can address the growing demand for affordable housing. The paper emphasizes the importance of ensuring equitable access to safe and decent housing for all residents, with a focus on addressing racial and economic disparities. The paper begins by defining affordable housing and discussing the challenges associated with housing affordability, including rising costs and limited availability. It highlights the societal impacts of inadequate affordable housing, such as homelessness, overcrowding, and increased poverty levels. Various policy frameworks and government initiatives are examined, including fair housing policies, subsidies, and incentives for affordable housing development. The paper also delves into design strategies, such as contextual design, sustainability, mixed-income communities, and universal design, which play a crucial role in creating affordable housing that is inclusive and meets the needs of diverse populations. Case studies of successful affordable housing projects, such as Via Verde in New York City and Hafen City in Hamburg, provide practical examples of effective strategies and lessons learned. Additionally, the paper explores recommendations for future policies and strategies, including addressing racial and economic disparities, engaging local communities, and promoting resident participation and empowerment. It emphasizes the importance of data collection and research to inform decision-making and evaluate the impact of affordable housing programs. By understanding the challenges, exploring effective strategies, and implementing inclusive policies, this research paper aims to contribute to the advancement of affordable housing initiatives, ensuring that all residents have access to safe, decent, and affordable housing.

Keywords: Affordable housing, Accessible housing, Housing policy, Design strategies for affordable housing, Universal design and accessibility in housing