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A hybrid Intrusion Detection Systems to Secur...

A hybrid Intrusion Detection Systems to Secure IoT Network

Author Name : Saurav Verma, Dr. Chetana Prakash




ABSTRACT The Internet of Things (IoT) is a collection of various hardware components, such as sensors and actuators that are linked together via wired or wireless networks. Furthermore, as the number of IoT-connected devices rises, security will assume even greater significance. The Intrusion Detection System (IDS) allows systems to defend themselves and identify attacks. In our model, we suggested a Deep Learning (DL) anomaly-based model with the finest feature for the selection to detect the many possible threats in IoT environment. We have evaluated the performance results with those of earlier studies that were applied to comparable tasks. Here, we outline the challenges and particular criteria for protecting IoT settings. The performance results were assessed using a number of measures includes F-measure, Sensitivity, Detection Rate (DR), False Alarm Rate (FAR), and Accuracy.