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Ai-Based Malware Detection System

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Ai-Based Malware Detection System

Ai-Based Malware Detection System

Author Name : Christy Philip


With the technology's sunrise, a great victory was in the universe for humans. As a coin has two sides the technology also had destruction but it was the humans who have to choose whether it is destructive or victory. The destructive side was Malwares. So, the well-wishers of IT to prevent this launched the antivirus. In this proposed system as AI is used and AI's branch Neural Network is used. Which will be able to think as humans think. Binary Classification of Neural Network is used. In this, it will analyze the difference from the original file to the malware-infected file. So as another antivirus if detects any malware soon will prompt by showing a dialog box that malware has been detected but this will eliminate in the background without showing any prompt and preventing any disturbance to the user. A total of 112 responses of Google Form was collected for the survey. So, using AI antivirus which is made using Neural Network will ensure the user's complete security of data.

Keywords: -Antivirus, Virus and Artificial Intelligence