International Journal of All Research Education & Scientific Methods

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ISSN: 2455-6211

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AI-Driven Deep Learning for Effective Detecti...

AI-Driven Deep Learning for Effective Detection and Management of Diabetic Foot Ulcers (DFUs)

Author Name : Dr. M. Manoj Prabu, Sudeshna H, Harini J, Elavarasan S, Ganeshan B



ABSTRACT Diabetic foot ulcers (DFUs) pose a significant health challenge in India, particularly among diabetic patients, with 72% testing positive for multidrug-resistant organisms (MDROs), heightening the risk of complications such as infection, gangrene, and amputation. Early detection is crucial for preventing these severe outcomes. This study introduces an AI-driven prototype utilizing deep learning, specifically Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs), to detect and evaluate DFUs. The system employs an ESP32 camera to capture real-time images, which are processed using CNN algorithms for precise measurement of the size and depth of ulcers. After masking the ulcer regions, the contour is displayed in a terminal box, and wound severity is assessed to provide tailored remediation strategies based on the wound stage. This innovative approach enhances clinical decision-making and facilitates prompt, personalized wound care, ultimately reducing healthcare costs while improving patient outcomes. The findings underscore the importance of early diagnosis and intervention, demonstrating the transformative potential of AI in effective DFU management. Document gives formatting guidelines for authors preparing papers for publication in the International Journal of All Research Education & Scientific Methods. The authors must follow the instructions given in the document for the papers to be published. The margins must be set as follows: Top = 0.7cm, Bottom = 0.7cm, Left = 0.65cm, Right = 0.65cm. Paper Title must be in Font Size 24, with Single Line Spacing. Authors Name must be in Font Size 12. Abstract should contain at least 200 words. Abstract explanation should be Times New Roman font, 09 Size, Bold, Single line spacing, text alignment should be justified. Author’s Profile must be in Font Size 8, Hanging 0.25 with single line spacing