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An Analysis of Christian-Muslim Relationship ...

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An Analysis of Christian-Muslim Relationship ...

An Analysis of Christian-Muslim Relationship in the Light of the Holy Quran

Author Name : Litho Thonger

ABSTRACT Many Christians think Muslims view the Christian faith with disdain, if not downright animosity, in these divisive times of struggle between the world’s major religions. This notion, however, seems to be incorrect given the similarities between Islam and Christianity, including several prophets and even their teachings. For instance, Islam holds similar beliefs to Christian teaching in that it considers Jesus to be a messenger of God and that He was born of the Virgin Mary.They are a group of monotheistic faiths that steadfastly uphold a belief in Abraham’s God and are referred to as Abrahamic religions. The shared religious ancestry that can be traced back to Abraham gives Abrahamic religions their name. Both religions have a primary written source—the Bible for Christians and the Quran for Muslims—and both rely on prophets like Abraham, Moses, and Jesus. Additionally, the two faiths have a similar history. Ishmael, the son of Abraham, was the ancestor of the Arabs, the first Muslims. Through his second son Isaac, Abraham is also the father of the Jews, who were the first Christians. Both Islam and Christianity identify as a religion of peace. Believers are exhorted to live peaceably and justly. Prayer and almsgiving are therefore important to Christians as wells as Muslims.Naturally, there are some significant differences between these two faiths, but today, believers from both are coming together to engage in respectful interfaith discourse, which has assisted both religions in resolving some significant problems that have persisted for many centuries. This paper will study into how the relationship of Christian and Muslim relationship has been portrayed in the Holy Quran.