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An Empirical Study on Misleading Advertisemen...

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An Empirical Study on Misleading Advertisemen...

An Empirical Study on Misleading Advertisements and Their Impact on Consumer Buying Behaviour in Gurgaon District of Haryana

Author Name : Supriya

ABSTRACT  Organizations all around the world spend huge amount of money every year to advertise their products. Advertising is very important for a product because it a way of creating awareness about the product to its customers. But potentially misleading, unethical and deceptive advertisements are reaching the marketplace these days. Misleading or unethical advertisements are the advertisements which show false claims, depict deceptive practices and provide false information to manipulate the consumers to buy the unnecessary products. Existing research has shown that consumers are highly vulnerable to misleading advertisement. This research paper aims to study the possible relationship between advertising claims and behavioral response of consumers in Gurgaon district of Haryana. Data was collected through field research (questionnaires) among 100 respondents who had their own different levels and fields like employees, students, and common people from the district. The findings show that misleading advertisements that make tall claims do not make an impact on the buying behavior of the consumers. There are certain wise consumers who go by the fact, but there is a huge group of consumers that falls for the claims presented in the advertisement.