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An Empirical Study on Problems Faced by Women...

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An Empirical Study on Problems Faced by Women...

An Empirical Study on Problems Faced by Women Entrepreneurs in Rohtak District

Author Name : Supriya

ABSTRACT  This paper seeks to find out the problems faced by women entrepreneurs in Rohtak District. To achieve the objective data was gathered from primary sources i.e. structured questionnaires and secondary data was collected from research papers, journals etc. Data was collected from 50 women entrepreneurs in Rohtak and simple statistical tools were used for the data analysis. From the present study it identified the major problems faced by women entrepreneurs in the district. Traditional mindsets , lack of networking , balancing work and family life , safety and security , lack of access to finance, non-availability of good employees , lack of institutional support are the major problems or constraints faced by women entrepreneurs in the district to carry out their entrepreneurial activity in efficient and effective manner. To overcome these limitations it is suggested that women entrepreneurs be provided institutional support , access to credit , awareness be generated about income generation and social status of entrepreneurs, measures be taken for their safety and security and motivational support be provided to them.