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“An Observational Study of Twak Shareer and...

“An Observational Study of Twak Shareer and Its Structural Changes in Vicharchika Patients”

Author Name : Dr. Ashish Anil Gawande, Dr. Madhuri Mahadar, Dr. Dinesh B. Naik, Dr. P. B. Tople


Now a days, modern science there is great advance particularly in dermatology as topic is concerned but there are limitations for treatment.Skin diseases like vicharchika get a suitable atmosphere specially in developing countries, because of hectic schedules, industrial & occupational hazards, repeated use of chemical additives etc. Human skin is a biological marvel. It is the protective covering of the body. It’s soft, pliable, strong, waterproof and self-repairing. It is like a large container, without it all our delicate insides would Structurally integumentary system is most complex structure & highly specialized, hence it is grouped in the sense organ. This is most extensive organ system has the accessory structures, including hair, nails, glands, and specialized nerve receptors for stimuli such as touch, cold, heat, pain, and pressure spill right out.

Keywords- Twak Sharir,Vicharchika, structural changes ,Observational Study.