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An Overview on Kokborok Speaking People

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An Overview on Kokborok Speaking People

An Overview on Kokborok Speaking People

Author Name : Jabanika Tripura, Padmini Tripura



ABSTRACT Language is a processing of expressing human thoughts. Although all species have ways of communicating, humans are the only ones that have mastered cognitive language communication. Language allows us to share our ideas, thoughts, and feelings with others. It has the power to build societies. The sweetness of any language can be understood from the way it is spoken. Language is important to maintain the system of communication through individual, social and cultural development etc. Kokborok is spoken in the Indian state of Tripura. Itbelongs to the Tibetan-Burmese wide group of language and more precisely to the Bodo-Garo Subgroup. The language has several dialects and sub- dialects. The language of the Indigenous of Tripura theirs is known as Kokborok. Kokborok is the mother tongue of nine groups out of 19 communities living in Tripura state. There are the nine Kokborok clan: i) Tripura, ii) Debbarma, iii) Jamatia, iv)Noatia, v) Murasing, vi) Reang, vii) Kalai, viii) Rupini, ix) Uchoi. Article 342 of the Constitution of India has included the Indigenous of Tripura in Scheduled Tribes. In 2011 Scheduled Tribes Population Census Report of India, the Kokbork language speaking peoples are Approximate 89 5,562 nos. The Indigenous people of Tripura depend on Jhum cultivation. They were performing to worship various gods and goddesses. The identity of kokborok residents is based on their social culture and customs