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An Update on Covid-19 Care and Vaccination St...

An Update on Covid-19 Care and Vaccination Status

Author Name : Savita Shimple, Dr. Mithun Maniyar, Snehal Chakorkar, Mandakini Holkar


COVID-19 is one of the most deadliest disease causing virus which not only affected on health, but also on the overall economical progress of the globe.It creates havoc in the society because of its unstoppable transferable ability. It was started in China spread all over the world and most of the part of the known world is under in lockdown status for almost eight months and still counting which has a long lasting effect on health, economy, development, etc. The human resources are still struggling to find out an exact cureand vaccine.This review is aimed at the methods of precaution and safe practices at home, office, work places, while travelling and updated methods of treatment. It also gives an idea about the importance of social distancing, quarantine and its majors, importance of the use of masks and methods of disposal. A special emphasize is given on overall time period obligatory for vaccine production, and an exact development of corona vaccine as on today. A generalized idea about a suspected person to differentiate from non-suspected, probable contaminated person. This review clarifies the symptoms, precautions, treatments, and vaccine under development for COVID-19 causing disease.

Keywords: -Covid 19, Corona, Safe practices, Quarantine, Vaccine