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Analysis of React JS over Angular JS

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Analysis of React JS over Angular JS

Analysis of React JS over Angular JS

Author Name : Sakshi Agrawal, Rupesh Mahajan, Ajay Chaudhary


Web application frameworks, a helpful and ideal instrument for constructing the digital world, are rapidly growing as the digital world emerges and develops every second. The two top frameworks in the industry are Angular and React. Selecting the proper front-end framework or library is a crucial step in creating any programme or application. The JavaScript framework sounds comparable to front-end web development. For the purposes of web development, both of these options are available.[5]

The foundation of single page web application development is JavaScript frameworks, which give JavaScript and plain HTML capabilities. The two most popular java script frameworks used in modern web development are Angular JS and React.js. To create interactive single page applications, both frameworks can be used.

Keywords – Java Script, Angular JS, React JS, Web Application Frame Works, Comparison, Virtual DOM, MVC