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Analysis of Recent Trends in Consumer Buying ...

Analysis of Recent Trends in Consumer Buying Behaviour in Online Apparel Shopping: A Case of Rural Area Form Kolhapur District

Author Name : Mr. Rohit Landge, Miss. Akshata Nayak


In recent years India has experienced a boom in internet and smartphone penetration. The number of internet connections increased significantly, driven by the ‘Digital India’ programme. ndia’s e-commerce sector has transformed the way business is done in India and has opened up various segments of commerce ranging from business-to-business (B2B), direct-to-consumer (D2C), consumer-to-consumer (C2C) and consumer-to-business (C2B). The main goal of research is to describe the data and characteristics of consumer buying behaviour being studied. Present study conducted on respondents from Vadange and Ambewadi villages from Kolhapur district, Maharashtra to find out what is the consumers buying behavior towards online clothing shopping From the above descriptive analysis it is found that for Product Variety, Product Quality, Payment Modes, Product Exchange, & Product Delivery respondents were highly satisfied and Product Price, Return Policies respondents were moderately satisfied and for Product Availability, Product Packaging & Offers respondents were less satisfied.

Keywords: Descriptive, Buying Behavior, Csharacteristics, Policies, Payment.