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ISSN: 2455-6211

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Analysis of Road Accidents on a Selected Stre...

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Analysis of Road Accidents on a Selected Stre...

Analysis of Road Accidents on a Selected Stretch of NH-1

Author Name : Navneet

ABSTRACT  The paper brings forth the results of an accident study conducted on a selected stretch of NH-1 (Delhi Ambala-Amritsar Road). The road accident data of four years of about 50 km long stretch of the road between RD 98 km to 148 km were analyzed to determine various characteristics of road accidents taking place on the road. The period of accident data from 2007 to 2010 includes the period when widening of the road from 4-lane to 6- lane had started. The study, therefore, also evaluates the impact of widening project on road accidents. To study the accident characteristics, the selected stretch was divided into smaller segments of approximately 5 km each. The characteristics of road accidents presented in the paper include their total number, cause of accidents, nature of accidents and type of injury, type of vehicles involved and time of accidents. The study shows that accidents increased tremendously on the road after the start of the widening project. The day time accidents are found to be more than night time accidents on all segments of the selected road. Keywords: Road Accidents; National Highway; Black spots, Accident Prone Location.