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Analysis of Single Basin Solar Still with Sol...

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Analysis of Single Basin Solar Still with Sol...

Analysis of Single Basin Solar Still with Solar Pond

Author Name : A. Senthil Rajan, K. Raja


In a solar still, water productivity and temperature are directly inversely related. In order to increase the productivity of the sun still, a solar pond (SP) is merged with a single-basin, single-slope solar still during this operation. Using ANSYS CFX approach to simulate this model, the performance of the sole basin single slope solar still integrated with and without solar pond has been examined. From June to October 2021, single basin solar still experiments will be conducted. According to numerical modelling, theory calculations, and actual measurements of SP, the optimal temperature of the thermal storage zone was 15 c, and the storage zone temperatures were 310.3 K, 310.16 K, and 309.5 K. The temperature of the water in a particular basin is still integrated with the gradient of salt. The water productivity of a solar still that is integrated with SP is 0.000050 kg/s, 0.000049 kg/s, and 0.0000487 kg/s, while it is 0.00001 kg/s, 0.000022 kg/s, and 0.000031 kg/s without a solar pond. In comparison to sun stills without solar ponds, the average productivity of single basin solar stills with salt gradient solar ponds is 45% higher. The difference between the solar still's daily efficiency with and without the solar pond was found to be 6%. Single-basin solar simulation and theoretical results still exhibit a sincere concordance with experimental findings.

Keywords: desalination, distilled water productivity, solar pond, single basin solar still, solar energy