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Analysis to the Problems of Mathematics: -Rel...

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Analysis to the Problems of Mathematics: -Rel...

Analysis to the Problems of Mathematics: -Relating to Teaching learning at Secondary Level

Author Name : Lata


"Human resources development has automatically to be assigned a key role in any development strategy, particularly in a country with a large population. Trained and educated on sound lines, a large population can itself become an asset in accelerating economic growth and in ensuring social change in desired directions. Human resource development is the development of all sections of people in the society. Harbis on and Myers defines it as “the process of increasing the knowledge, skill and the capacities of all the people in a society have advocated the importance of mathematics. In their opinion, the intellectual and cultural development of a person is not. The observations made in the foregoing pages demand an in depth study of the lied of mathematics education. The discussion reveals that knowledge of anathematic is inevitable for human beings.

Keyword:-Knowledge, Utilization, Education, Capacities, Mathematics, Cultural, Depth.