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Analyzing the Effect of Friction on the Metal...

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Analyzing the Effect of Friction on the Metal...

Analyzing the Effect of Friction on the Metal Forming Process Using Different Lubricants

Author Name : P Vijayan, Jemi J A Rebisha, S Manikandan, P Ajin

ABSTRACT This work deals with an experimental and analytical determination of friction for aluminium Cylinders under different lubricating conditions. The aluminium ring having a standard ratio specified by the Male and Cockcroft (6:3:2) with a dimension of the Outer diameter, inner diameter & Height is 60:30:20 prepared to carry the ring compression test, to determine the friction between the interface of the work piece and die. Different lubrication conditions are applied such as zinc stearate, molybdenum disulphide, graphite powder and in dry condition. The friction is sensitive to contact between the specimens and die. When the lubricant applied, the aluminium ring dimensions are change.