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Ancient Review on Drug Patala

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Ancient Review on Drug Patala

Ancient Review on Drug Patala

Author Name : Dr. Ovi N. Shinde


Dashmoola is a famous Ayurvedic combination of roots of ten medicinal herbs, which used together. It contains Brihat Panchmoola i.e., roots of five big trees and Laghu Panchmooala i.e., roots of five small herbs. This is the most common polyherbal combination used in the production of many Ayurvedic formulations that are indicated in the treatment variety of ailments especially in Vata Roga. Patala is one of the most important drugs of Dashmoola and widely use in Ayurvedic preparations. Patala is traditionally use in Aruchi, Shwas, Shotha, Chhardi, Hikka, Trushna, etc diseases. It contains many biological active chemical constituents like flavonoids, tannins, gyacosides, etc. This plant is used as anti-inflammatory, hepatoprotective, immunonomidulatory, antiulcer, analgesic and antipyretic.

Keywords-Patala, classical description, types of Patala, morphology,guna,karma