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Angular vs React vs Vue: Framework to Choose ...

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Angular vs React vs Vue: Framework to Choose ...

Angular vs React vs Vue: Framework to Choose from for Modern UI Development

Author Name : Rajeev Kumar Sinha


In current software development circle when it comes to developing a new project, an important question arises for architects, developers, start-up owners and CTO’s: which is better to choose: Angular or React or Vue for frontend development? Frontend frameworks have intensely progressed in the past several years of span and some of them are among the substantial game-changers. Out of dozens various framework, these three popular tools for front-end building have been competing for several years, and each has substantial development advantages on each other, so it really seems exceedingly difficult at first glance to give a one-word answer that which will be long lasting, robust and able to handle the current frequent and volatile customers’ business need. It should also compete up with current Agile rapid development model where changes happen in very frequent manner.