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Applications of Nanotechnology in next genera...

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Applications of Nanotechnology in next genera...

Applications of Nanotechnology in next generation Solar PV Cell

Author Name : Monika, Amit

ABSTRACT The solar cell industry has grown quickly in recent years due to strong interest in renewable energy and the problem of global climate change. Cost is an important factor in the success of any solar technology. Today’s solar cells are simply not enough efficient and are too expensive to manufacture for large-scale electricity generation. However, potential advancements in nanotechnology may open the door to the production of cheaper and slightly more efficient solar cells. Nanotechnology has already shown huge breakthroughs in the solar field. Quantum dots have the potential to change the world. They are a form of solar cell that is completely beyoznd anything you might imagine. Nanotechnology might be able to increase the efficiency of solar cells, but the most promising application of nanotechnology is the reduction of manufacturing cost. PVs based on CdTe, CuInGaSe (CIGS), CuInSe (CIS), and organic materials are being developed with the aim of reducing the price per watt even if that means sacrificing conversion efficiency and reliability. Utilizing nanotechnology in inexpensive solar cell would help to preserve the environment.