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ISSN: 2455-6211

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Assessment of Insulin-Related Knowledge, Atti...

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Assessment of Insulin-Related Knowledge, Atti...

Assessment of Insulin-Related Knowledge, Attitude, and Skills among Nurses in a Tertiary Care HospitalA Pre and Post Design

Author Name : K. Bharathi Priya, Athira S , Deepak S , Sarath E , Dr. Priya , Dr. Mohammed Farazuddin , Dr. Satya Tejaswini



ABSTRACT The study's objectives were to measure nurses' knowledge, abilities, and attitudes regarding insulin through preand post-design, as well as to examine the impact of a planned teaching program on knowledge and practices of safe insulin injection techniques. In a prospective interventional trial, 97 nurses took part in the pre- and posttest. On insulin kinds, secure administration techniques, and storage conditions, nurses received education. A post-test was completed following a month of evaluating the nurses' use of insulin injections...The findings are compared using the student t-test after the data has been examined with SPSS software. Following the training, the majority of the nurses' injection techniques improved, which was evident during observation. Approximately 76% of the nurses replaced insulin sites and checked for lumps. Only 32.2% of nurses put cold insulin at room temperature for 15–30 minutes prior to administration into practice, despite knowing this information and correctly storing insulin