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Assessment of Sleep Quality among Elderly in ...

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Assessment of Sleep Quality among Elderly in ...

Assessment of Sleep Quality among Elderly in Selected Districts, Tamilnadu, India

Author Name : Princy Neleisha W, Palayakarasi P, Deepa V, Durga P, T. R. Manjula

ABSTRACT  A descriptive study was conducted to assess the sleep quality among elderly in selected districts in Tamil Nadu, India. The objectives of the study were to assess the level of sleep quality among elderly and to associate the level of sleep quality with selected demographic variables of elderly. Convenient sampling technique were used to select the studyparticipants. 50 samples were selected for our study. We have used Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index Scale to asses the sleep quality of the elderly. The study findings revealed that 38%of the elderly havepoor sleep quality and 34% of the elderly has moderate sleep quality, 24% of the elderly has mild difficulty and 4% has no difficulty. The mean score of sleep quality is 11.48 and standard deviation is 5.47. In association aspects, it revealed that there was significant association between the level of sleep quality and age of the elderly people. And due to COVID pandemic situation many elderly were staying inside the home without going out and not exposed to outdoor, they may sleep for long hours but the quality of the sleep will not satisfactory. Sleep quality to be assessed during their routine physician consultation to diagnose any sleep issues and treat them appropriately.