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Automatic Railway Gate Control and Track Swit...

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Automatic Railway Gate Control and Track Swit...

Automatic Railway Gate Control and Track Switching

Author Name : Rajat Kumar Singh, Tanu Sachdeva

ABSTRACT: Our project is designed to automatically control the railway gate at the level crossing, to automatically control the railway track switching mechanism and to automatically control the movement of the train (i.e., )to start and stop the train automatically. As the number of accidents related to railway is increasing day by day, the above automations will reduce these accidents to a much greater extent. Project employs two pair of Infrared (IR) sensors, one pair of IR sensor is used to control the railway gate and the other pair of IR sensor is used to automatically switch the railway track. These IR sensors are used to sense the arrival and departure of the train. A reed switch is used to control the motion of the train. Reed consists a on-off switch which switches when it comes in contact with a magnet. As the entire system is automated errors occurring due to manual operation are prevented because the accuracy of automated operation is more than the manned operation. Our project is developed on an embedded platform using a microcontroller as a controlling unit.