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Basic Law of the Flat Interlocking of Involut...

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Basic Law of the Flat Interlocking of Involut...

Basic Law of the Flat Interlocking of Involute Cylindrical Gears with Asymmetric Profiles

Author Name : Genadi Tsvetanov, Svetoslav Simeonov, Andreas Pournaras

ABSTRACT This article is deduction of the necessary and sufficient condition for geometric synthesis of involute cylindrical gears with asymmetric profile of the teeth by the classic approach. The necessary condition is presented for slack-free engagement of the corresponding involutes along the initial circles and the crossing of the lines of engagement along the inter-center straight line, which is a new interpretation of the Willis's basic law of the flat engagement. Based on the theorem for reversing the direction of movement, two consequences are drawn, allowing generation of asymmetric tooth profile along various poloids and achieving qualitative indicators of engagement, which cannot be achieved with a symmetric profile.