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Bit Concealed Based Integrated Data Aggregati...

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Bit Concealed Based Integrated Data Aggregati...

Bit Concealed Based Integrated Data Aggregation Scheme in Smart Metering-Based Communication Network

Author Name : Dhirendra Bagri, Shashikant Rathore

ABSTRACT In smart grid phasor measurement unit, communication network and advanced metering infrastructure are imbibed together so that the power can be delivered without any hindrance. Various tasks such as a collection of meters reading data, monitoring the activities, implementing the on-demand needs are made possible due to advanced metering infrastructure which works as mainpart of a smart-grid. The functioning of advance metering infrastructure completely depends on the communication network availability and its safety. the performance of Advanced metering infrastructure can be established optimally if the communication network is secure and available all the time. various cyber security threats can slow down the performance of Advanced metering infrastructure. So therefore, security methodology is required for providing security to the communication network so the transmitting data and the control messages can be secured and can be protected from adulteration or misuse. Various existing security methodologies are not up to the mark for providing secure smart grid network communication. existing approaches have a lot of execution time and extra memory is also required for their implementation. In this work a security method is proposed which works on bit-concealed based approach. This method works on advanced metering communication networks where the information or the data generated by smart meters are collected.