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Block Chain Technology Using Sha-256 Algorith...

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Block Chain Technology Using Sha-256 Algorith...

Block Chain Technology Using Sha-256 Algorithm

Author Name : Mr. Chandrakant S/o Bhadranna


Block chain technology is a one of the fastest growing technology in market. It’s one of the best technology any one easily use it. This technology very much useful for the users to store to record in blocks. In this block chain technology to store the record like personal or any other information in block. In block chain all records are stores in decentralized networks this technology all once the block is created no one can easily come out from the networks. Using SHA-256 algorithm we can generate the hash value once generates hash value its cannot be deleted for the network. We are using block chain technology for bank customer’s information and their details we create the blocks and to generate the hash vale for each blocks and for this technology is very helpful for to store the information securely the block chain its decentralized distributed technology.

Keywords: [Blocks, Chain, Mechanism, Decentralize, Distributed, SHA-256.etc].