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Building Firehose Logging Framework for Ether...

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Building Firehose Logging Framework for Ether...

Building Firehose Logging Framework for Ethereum Chain

Author Name : Ohm Patel

ABSTRACT This study focuses on the development of an increase in the real-time firehose logging framework for the Ethereum blockchain. The extensive and constantly increasing database in blockchain systems must allow for the optimal implementation of traditional logging tools. Our framework attempts to resolve this predicament by providing a coherent and sounding solution for data logging. The technique entails the deployment of a system architecture that should work in tandem with the Ethereum-based platform, implementing logging modules that can capture the data at a speedy rate and ensure latency. The effectiveness of the proposed framework in terms of throughput, latency, and the level of storage utilization was analyzed, and it was proved that the discussed solution outperforms the existing ones. The main findings show that data authenticity and validity have been enhanced in near real-time for analysis by the monitor and security analysis of storage management. To recap, the firehose logging framework in the Ethereum blockchain is crucial for developers, researchers, and security personnel as it offers further insight into typical blockchain transactions and activities. Thus, by overcoming the shortcomings of existing approaches to building logs, this framework indirectly contributes to the enhancement and further development of blockchain technology by implementing more effective methods. This paper thus boasts of the framework and the capacity it has to completely reshape how data is logged within blockchain platforms for enhanced effective and secure management of blockchain networks.