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Causes of Child Labour in India & its Eradica...

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Causes of Child Labour in India & its Eradica...

Causes of Child Labour in India & its Eradication

Author Name : Dr. S. K. Rai

Child labour in India is a product of socio-economic and cultural conditions. It is mainly necessitated by economic compulsion of the parents and in many cases of the children. This is in turn due to poverty, lack of education, ignorance of parents about the importance of education as well as about the impact of labour on the health of their children. Large family with low income, widespread unemployment and under employment among the adult poor strata of population on entrails, due to sharp growth of population are the major reasons responsible for the growth of this evil.

The problem of child labour in India is not a result of any single isolated factor. It is a multi-dimensional that involves various reasons contributing to this problem in a variety of ways.Child is a socio-economic phenomenon. Poverty, illiteracy, unemployment, low wages and ignorance of parents are main causes for this malady. It will be fruitful to discuss these causes in detail.