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ISSN: 2455-6211

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Challenges and coping strategies of science s...

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Challenges and coping strategies of science s...

Challenges and coping strategies of science student teachers in Online and Distance Learning Education

Author Name : Dr. Anita

ABSTRACT Science education in recent years has increasingly emphasized the connections between knowledge and matters of social importance. Science students have dealt with monetary issues, deficient assets and overpowering material expected to be canvassed in a moderately brief timeframe. Despite the fact that most of the students have a pledge to accomplish an expert showing capability, a huge number have not created powerful coping strategies. To diminish the weakening pace of the program, the organization needs to foster a vigorous student emotionally supportive network, put resources into preparing teachers in ODL systems and heighten association of the Ministry of Education, Sport, Arts and Culture in the program. This study has suggestions for training policymakers, instructor instructors, school pioneers, and teachers to react to the challenges confronting teachers in showing SSIs cooperatively. Expected headings for additional examination are likewise talked about.