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Characteristics and Limitations of Mobile Generations: A Survey

Author Name : Taranpreet Kaur

ABSTRACT Mobile communication is the transfer of information over a distance without the use of enhanced electrical conductors/ wires. The distances involved may be short or long In the past few decades, mobile wireless technologies have experience 4 or 5 generations of technology revolution and evolution. Currently 5G term is not officially used. At present, 3G mobile phone systems are sustaining IP connections worldwide for all real and non-real time operations. Subsequently, the platform of 4G is formerly deliberated and it is sure that 4G comprises heterogeneous standards under a same umbrella, as in 3G but there is one exception of IEEE 802.XX wireless network connection which is present in this network from the initial progress phase. It is an emerging technology in all the fields of mobile communication such as internet access, location based services, video conferencing system, mobile financial services, mobile entertainment services etc. In this paper, it has been discussed to survey various existing generations of mobile wireless technologies, this paper throws a light on the evolution and development of various generation of mobile wireless technology along with their significance and advantages of one another. The users can use these applications at anytime and anywhere through mobile communication. The aim of this survey is to compare the challenges and issues that are involved in each generation and explained how the improvements have been made successfully in mobile communication from earlier generation to modern generation.